I wish to inspire, motivate, guide, and inform you. My hope is to help you remember not who you believe you are, but what you truly are, for you are more than you’ve been led to believe—more than you can possibly imagine.
I’ve been writing since the day I could hold a pencil. I express myself best on paper, whether I’m scribbling an idea in a notebook or on a nearby piece of paper, writing my most personal feelings and observations in an ornate diary with a lock and key, or sitting at my PC for hours, typing away, oblivious to the goings-on of the day. I always feel intensely happy and in my element when I’m writing.
We all have to begin somewhere. Assuntina is my first novella, written within months but created over decades. It is a story as real or as surreal as you wish to make it. Whether you believe or don’t believe, my invitation to you is to explore the journey and surrender to the mystery and magic. Perhaps not all of it will make sense now, but keep this little novella close, revisit it from time to time, and with life experience, you’ll be glad you did.
A. Isabella